【演講】張源俊研究員-To be, or not to be, that is the question.


演講題目 : To be, or not to be, that is the question.


時間:108年12月03日 (星期二) 10:10-12:00



This talk is supposed to be more casual than others -- no theories no math., and no simulation results. 
So, it is hard to write an abstract for it. 
However, all formal talks should have abstracts. So, for the formality,  here is my abstract below.
We are going to talk about many faces of data science; such as 
What is data science about?
What is Statistics about? What is its role in data science?
What is the differences between Mathematics and Statistics? 
What is the role of computation in data science?
These are many questions that we will try to discuss during this talk.
However, there may be no answers for each of them, which may to be explored by yourself.