
姓名: 陸林天
職稱: 教授
研究室: 一研210
E-Mail: ltluh@pu.edu.tw
分機: 15126
專長: 科學計算方法



陸林天 Luh, Lin-Tian



職  稱:







  1. Luh, Lin-Tian (1998/5). Characterizations of Native Spaces. Ph.D. dissertation, Georg-August-Universi?t G?ttingen, Germany.

  2. Luh, Lin-Tian (1985/1). On Regular Open Sets. Master Thesis, Oxford University, U.K.


  1. Luh, Lin-Tian (2019/1). The choice of the shape parameter--A friendly approach. EABE [SCI](IF 1.925), Vol. 98, p.p.103-109.[SCI]

  2. Luh, Lin-Tian (2016/1). The mystery of the shape parameter III. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. [SCI](IF 3.055), No. 4 0 , p.p.186 -99 .[SCI]

  3. Luh, Lin-Tian (2014/7). The Mystery of the Shape Parameter IV. Eng Anal Boundary Elem[SCI](IF1.643), Vol. 48 , p.p.24 -31 .[SCI]

  4. Luh, Lin-Tian (2013/6). The Shape Parameter in the Gaussian Function II. Eng Anal Boundary Elem[SCI](IF1.643), Vol. 37 , No. 5 , p.p.988 -93 .[SCI]

  5. Luh, Lin-Tian (2012/11). The Shape Parameter in the Shifted Surface Spline III. Eng Anal Boundary Elem[SCI](IF:1.625), Vol. 36 , p.p.1604 -1617 .[SCI]

  6. Luh, Lin-Tian (2012/2). The Shape Parameter in the Gaussian Function. Comput Math Appl[SCI](IF:2.069), No. 63 , p.p.687 -694 .[SCI]

  7. Luh, Lin-Tian (2011/4/30). A Fast Convergent Error Bound for Gaussian Interpolation. Progress in Applied Mathematics[DOAJ], Vol. 1 , No. 2 , p.p.1 -11 .

  8. Luh, Lin-Tian (2011/1/15). The Crucial Constant in the Exponential-Type Error Estimate for Shifted Surface Spline Interpolation. International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications[MathSciNet], Vol. 5 , No. 1 , p.p.1 -14 .

  9. Luh, Lin-Tian (2010/11/30). A New Error Bound for Shifted Surface Spline Interpolation. Studies in Mathematical Sciences[DOAJ], Vol. 1 , No. 1 , p.p.1 -12 .

  10. Luh, Lin-Tian (2010/2). The Matching of the Derivatives in the Exponential-type Error Estimates of Radial Basis Functions. Oriental Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2 , No. 1 , p.p.1 -10 .

  11. Luh, Lin-Tian (2009/6). An Improved Error Bound for Multiquadric and Inverse Multiquadric Interpolations. International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications[MathSciNet], Vol. 1 , No. 2 , p.p.101 -120 .

  12. Luh, Lin-Tian (2009/6). On Wu and Schaback's Error Bound. International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications[MathSciNet], Vol. 1 , No. 2 , p.p.140 -160 .

  13. Luh, Lin-Tian (2008/6). The Crucial Constants in the Exponential-type Error Estimates for Gaussian Interpolation. Analysis in Theory and Applications[Scopus], Vol. 24 , No. 2 , p.p.183 -194 .

  14. Luh, Lin-Tian (2001/1). The Embedding Theory of Native Spaces. Approximation Theory and its Application[MathSciNet], Vol. 17 , No. 4 , p.p.90 -104 .

  15. Luh, Lin-Tian (2001/1). The Equivalence Theory of Native Spaces. Approximation Theory and its Application[MathSciNet], Vol. 17 , No. 1 , p.p.76 -96 .


  1. Luh, Lin-Tian (2019/7/22-2019/7/24). The Optimal Choice of the Shape Parameter in Smooth RBFs--II. BeTeq,BeTeq.

  2. Luh, Lin-Tian (2018/6/28-2018/7/4). The Optimal Choice of the Shape Parameter in Smooth RBFs. French SIAM,9th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Arcachon.

  3. Luh, Lin-Tian (2017/7/11-2017/7/13). The Choice of the Shape Parameter in a Purely Scattered Data Setting II. BeTeq,18th International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques.

  4. Luh, Lin-Tian (2016/7/11-2016/7/13). The Choice of the Shape Parameter in a Purely Scattered Data Setting. BeTeq,17th International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, 2016, Ankara.

  5. Luh, Lin-Tian (2015/7/6-2015/7/8). A Direct Prediction of the Optimal Choice of the Shape Parameter in the Radial Basis Functions. BeTeq,International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques XVI.

  6. Luh, Lin-Tian (2014/7/15-2014/7/17). The Shape Parameters in the Radial Basis Functions. BeTeq,15th International Conference on Boundary Element Technique and Mesh Reduction Methods.

  7. Luh, Lin-Tian (2013/8/26-2013/8/30). The Criteria of Choosing the Shape Parameter for Radial Basis Function Interpolations. ENUMATH,ENUMATH 2013, Laussane.

  8. Luh, Lin-Tian (2012/6/28-2012/7/3). Evenly Spaced Data Points and the Shape Parameter in the Multiquadric Function. University of Oslo,The Eigth International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces.

  9. Luh, Lin-Tian (2011/6/28). Evenly Spaced Data Points and Radial Basis Functions. Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXIII(MathSciNet and Scopus) (p.p.265-272).Wessex Institute of Technology.

  10. Luh, Lin-Tian (2010/6/24-2010/6/30). The Choice of the Shape Parameter. SMAI-AFA,The Seventh International Conference on Curves and Surfaces. Avignon, France.

  11. Cheng, Alexander*, Luh, Lin-Tian, Huang, C.S. (2009/9/31-2009). Shape Factor in Multiquadric Collocation for High Accuracy Interpolation. BEM,Boundary Element Methods. New Forest, UK.

  12. Luh, Lin-Tian (2009/6/29-2009/7/3). RBF:The Optimal Choice for the Shape Paramater. University of Uppsala,The Eighth European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Applications. Uppsala, Sweden.

  13. Luh, Lin-Tian (2008/6/26-2008/7/1). An Improved Error Bound for Gaussian Interpolation. The Norwegian Association of Approximation Theory,The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces. Tonsberg, Norway.

  14. Luh, Lin-Tian (2007/7). An Extension of the Exponential-Type Error Bounds for Multiquadric and Gaussian Interpolations. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Meshless Methods,2007/7, Porto, Portugal:ECCOMAS (p.p.227-231). Porto, Portugal:ECCOMAS.

  15. Luh, Lin-Tian (2006/6/29-2006/7/5). On the High-Level Error Bound for Gaussian Interpolation. SMAI-AFA,The Sixth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces. Avignon, France.

  16. Luh, Lin-Tian (2005/7). On The High-Level Error Bound for Multiquadric and Inverse Multiquadric Interpolations. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Meshless Methods (p.p.C23.1-C23.6). Portugal:ECCOMAS.

  17. Luh, Lin-Tian (2004/7/1-2004/7/7). On Wu and Schaback's Function Space. The Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces. Tromso, Norway.

  18. Luh, Lin-Tian (2002/6/27-2002/7/3). Sobolev Spaces and Native Spaces. The Fifth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces. Saint-Malo, France.

  19. Luh, Lin-Tian (1999/1). Characterizations of Native Spaces. Curves and Surfaces Fitting (p.p.300-307). Saint-Malo, France.


  1. 陸林天(20190801~20200731)。徑向基函數之理論及應用 (科技部,MOST 108-2115-M-126-004)。

  2. 陸林天(20040801~20060731)。徑向基函數之理論及應用 (科技部,NSC 93-2115-M-126-004)。

  3. 陸林天(20020801~20030731)。徑向基函數之理論及應用 (科技部,NSC 91-2115-M-126-002)。


  1. (2011/1-2014/1)。Progress in Applied Mathematics。editor。

  2. (2010/11-2011/12)。Studies in Mathematical Sciences。editor。


  1. Luh, Lin-Tian(2007/5/31). The Key Results of RBF. 專題演講.

  2. Luh, Lin-Tian(2007/5/18). A Simple Introduction and Recent Development of RBF. 專題演講.