
姓名: 廖茂原
職稱: 教授
研究室: 靜安122
E-Mail: myliao@pu.edu.tw
分機: 15107
專長: 機器學習與資料探勘智慧生產統計計算



廖茂原 Liao, Mou-Yuan



職  稱:








  1. Liao, Mou-Yuan (2007/1/31). Process Capability Indices with Measurement Errors. Ph.D. dissertation, 交通大學工業工程與管理研究所, 新竹市.


  1. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei (Accepted). Supplier selection based on normal process yield: the Bayesian inference. Neural Computing and Applications.[SCI]

  2. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Pearn, W.L. (2019/1). Modified Weighted Standard Deviation Index for Adequately Interpreting a Supplier’s Lognormal Process Capability. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 223, No. 3, p.p.999-1008.[SCI]

  3. Liao, Mou-Yuan; Ling, Hsiao-Chi (2018/5/1). Effective Control Chart for Monitoring the Capability Stability of Non-Normal Processes Having S-Type Quality. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 46, No. 3, p.p.1196-1208.[SCI]

  4. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2017/8). Efficient Technique for Assessing Actual Non-normal Quality Loss: Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 33 , No. 5 , p.p.945 -957 .[SCI]

  5. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei; Wen, Shu-Hai (2017/2). Assessing S-type Process Quality of Data Involving Batch-to-Batch Variation. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 45 , No. 4 , p.p.1425 -1435 .[SCI]

  6. Liao, M.Y.*, Lin, C.-H., Wu, C.W., Yang, C.H. (2017/1). Reliable confidence intervals for assessing normal process incapability. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Vol. 46 , No. 1 , Col. 2 , p.p.446 -457 .[SCI]

  7. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2016/11). Markov chain Monte Carlo in Bayesian models for testing gamma and lognormal S-type process qualities. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 54 , No. 24 , p.p.7491 -7503 .[SCI]

  8. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2016/5). Process Capability Control Chart for Non-Normal Data – Evidence of On-Going Capability Assessment. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Vol. 13 , No. 2 , p.p.165 -181 .[SCI]

  9. Wu, Chien-Wei; Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Lin, Chi-Wei; Lin, Tzu-Ling (2016/4). Testing and Ranking Multiple Wafer Manufacturing Processes with Fuzzy Quality Data. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 44 , No. 5 , p.p.1970 -1977 .[SCI]

  10. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei (2016/3/1). Efficient Method for Testing the Batch-Processing Process Yield. International Journal of Information and Management Science, Vol. 27 , No. 1 , p.p.1 -16 .[TSSCI]

  11. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei; Lin, Chien-Hua (2015/11/1). Assessing True TFT-LCD Process Quality in the Presence of Unavoidable Measurement Errors. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 43 , No. 6 , p.p.1479 -1486 .[SCI]

  12. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2015/9). Effective Control Chart for Monitoring the Stability of Non-normal Process Capability. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 25 , No. 3 , p.p.239 -251 .[TSSCI]

  13. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Pearn, W L; Liu, Yen-Lun (2015/4). Assessing the Actual Gamma Process Quality – A Curve-Fitting Approach for Modifying the Non-Normal Flexible Index. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53 , No. 15 , p.p.4720 -4734 .[SCI]

  14. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2015/2). Assessing Process Incapability when Collecting Data from Multiple Batches. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53 , No. 7 , p.p.2041 -2054 .[SCI]

  15. Wu, Chien-Wei; Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Lin, Chung-Yang (2014/8). On Ranking Multiple Touch-Screen Panel Suppliers through the CTQ – Applied Fuzzy Techniques for Inspection with Unavoidable Measurement Errors. Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 25 , No. 2 , p.p.481 -490 .[SCI]

  16. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, C.W.; Zhang, F.Y. (2014/7). Fuzzy yield index for optimal tool replacement policy. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1028 , p.p.139 -144 .[EI]

  17. Wu, Chien-Wei; Liao, Mou-Yuan (2014/7/1). Fuzzy Nonlinear Programming Approach for Evaluating and Ranking Process Yields with Imprecise Data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 246 , p.p.146 -155 .[SCI]

  18. Yang, Chien-Hsin; Liao, Mou-Yuan; Huang, Kuo-Liang (2014/4). A hybrid classification mehod: Using a support vector machine for rule extraction on diabetes diagnosis. International Review of Bussiness and Economics, No. 5 , p.p.75 -85 .

  19. Wu, Chien-Wei; Chang, Ying-Chung; Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2014/3/1). Fuzzy Estimation for Process Loss Assessment. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37 , No. 1 , p.p.1 -6 .[SCI]

  20. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei; Wu, Jia-Wei (2013/10). Fuzzy Inference to Supplier Evaluation and Selection Based on Quality Index: A Flexible Approach. Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 23 , No. 1 , p.p.117 -127 .[SCI]

  21. Wu, Horng-Huei; Liao, Mou-Yuan; Tsai, Chih-Hung; Tsai, Shih-Chieh; Lu, Min-Jer; Tsai, Tai-Ping (2013/7). A Study of Theory of Constraints Supply Chain Replenishment System. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, Vol. 3 , No. 3 , p.p.82 -98 .

  22. Wu, Chien-Wei; Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Yang, Tsung-Tse (2013/3). Efficient methods for comparing two process yields – strategies on supplier selection. International Journal of Production Research, p.p.1587 -1602 .[SCI]

  23. Wu, C.W.; Liao, M.Y.*; Chen, J.C. (2012/6/16). An Improved Approach for Constructing Lower Confidence Bound on Process Yield. European Journal of Industrial Engineering., Vol. 6 , No. 3 , p.p.369 -390 .[SCI]

  24. Wu, C.W.; Liao, M.Y.* (2012/4/25). Generalized Inference for Measuring Process Yield with the Contamination of Measurement Errors - Quality Control for Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Processes in Semiconductor Industry. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 25 , No. 2 , p.p.272 -283 .[SCI]

  25. Ling, H.C.; Hsieh, S.Y.*; Chang, J.C.; Liao, M.Y.; Lee, C.S. (2011/12/24). Value of Supply Chain Management of Taiwan's Hospitality Industry. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Vol. 14 , No. 5 , p.p.995 -1006 .[EI]

  26. 楊健炘*; 葉子明; 廖茂原 (2011/6/23)。穿著高跟鞋對於長期站立服務業者腿部不適影響之研究。 工作與休閒學刊,第2 卷,第2 期,頁155 -163 。

  27. Pearn, W.L.; Liao, M.Y.*; Wu, C.W.; Chu, Y.T. (2011/3/22). Two Tests for Supplier Selection Based on Process Yield. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 39 , No. 2 , p.p.126 -133 .[SCI]

  28. Liao, M.Y. and Wu, C.W.* (2010/8/24). Evaluating Process Performance Based on the Incapability Index for Measurements with Uncertainty. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37 , No. 8 , p.p.5999 -6006 .[SCI]

  29. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2010/8/22). Economic Tolerance Design for Folded Normal Data. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 48 , No. 14 , p.p.4123 -4137 .[SCI]

  30. Liao, M.Y.*; Wu, C.W. (2010/6/25). An Alternative Approach to Controlling Tool Wear Problem with an Application to Grinding Wheels Management in Manufacturing Silicon Wafers. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 31 , No. 1 , p.p.231 -244 .[EI]

  31. Liao, M.Y.*; Kang, H.Y.; Lee, A.H.I.; Wu, C.W. (2010/3/24). Capability Testing Based on Subsamples: A Case on Photolithography Process Control in Wafer Fabrication. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 38 , No. 2 , p.p.222 -231 .[SCI]

  32. Wu, C.W.; Liao, M.Y.*; Shu, M.H. (2010/3/24). Process Performance Evaluation with Imprecise Information. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 38 , No. 2 , p.p.137 -142 .[SCI]

  33. Liao, M.Y.* (2009/12/25). Gage Capability Control for Electronic Measurement Instruments with Time-Dependent Degeneration. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Vol. 12 , No. 6 , p.p.1195 -1206 .[EI]

  34. Wu, C.W.*; Liao, M.Y. (2009/11/26). Estimating and Testing Process Yield with Imprecise Data. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36 , No. 8 , p.p.11006 -11012 .[SCI]

  35. Pearn, W.L.; Kang, H.Y.; Lee, A.H.I.; Liao, M.Y. (2009/8/26). Photolithography Control in Wafer Fabrication Based on Process Capability Indices with Multiple Characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 22 , No. 3 , p.p.351 -356 .[SCI]

  36. Liao, M.Y.* (2009/4/24). Measurement Instruments Control with Both Accuracy and Precision Considerations. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Vol. 12 , No. 2 , p.p.273 -285 .[EI]

  37. Pearn, W.L.*; Liao, M.Y. (2007/12/25). Estimating and Testing Process Precision with Presence of Gauge Measurement Errors. Quality and Quantity, Vol. 41 , No. 5 , p.p.757 -777 .[SSCI]

  38. Leu, C.H.; Liao, M.Y.; Chen, K.S. (2006/8/26). Selecting a Better Supplier by Testing Unilateral Specification Process Capability Indices Cpu and Cpl. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol. 26 , No. 3-4 , p.p.329 -354 .[EI]

  39. Pearn, W.L.; Liao, M.Y. (2006/7/25). One-sided Process Capability Assessment in the Presence of Measurement Errors. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 22 , No. 7 , p.p.771 -785 .[SCI]

  40. Pearn, W.L.; Liao, M.Y. (2005/5/26). Measuring Process Capability Based on Cpk with Gauge Measurement Errors. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 45 , p.p.739 -751 .[SCI]

  41. 溫敏杰*; 廖茂原; 許士振; 連志偉 (2000/6/23)。傳統民意調查方法與新興網路民意調查之比較 - 以總統大選為例。 民意研究季刊,第214 卷,頁88 -101 。


  1. 廖茂原; 溫淑惠 (2015/12/12)。考慮批量變異存在下的單邊製程能力估計。 國立勤益科技大學主辦,中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會。

  2. 廖茂原; 蔡孟萍; 陳瑩真; 許翼娟 (2015/12/4)。考慮批量間變異存在下的製程良率估計問題 - 常態漸近法。 正修科技大學主辦,2015工業工程與安全管理學術研討會。

  3. 廖茂原; 蔡孟萍; 陳瑩真; 許翼娟 (2015/12/4)。Burr XII製程能力指標的管制圖 - 製程過程的品質的監控。 正修科技大學主辦,2015工業工程與安全管理學術研討會。

  4. Liao, Mou-Yuan (2015/5/29). Improved Confidence Intervals for Assessing Process Yield with Data Dropped From Multiple Batches. 大葉大學,第十六屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會.

  5. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2015/5/16)。Ranking Multiple Suppliers Based on Multiple Fuzzy Quality Characteristics。 China University of Technology主辦,2015 International Conference on Management, Business and Information (ICMBI2015)。

  6. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2015/5/16). Process Capability Control Charts for Non-Normal On-Going Data. China University of Technology, Taiwan,2015 International Conference on Management, Business and Information (ICMBI2015).

  7. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei; Zhang, Fang Yu (2014/7/7-2014/7/8). Fuzzy Yield Index for Optimal Tool Replacement Policy. International Materials Science Society,2014 2nd World Congress on Industrial Materials -Applications, Products, and Technologies (WCIM 2014).

  8. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei; Wen, Shu-Hui (2014/5/31). Assessing Process Incapability with Measurement Errors. China University of Technology, Taiwan,2014 International Conference on Lean Service and Lean Consumption.

  9. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Huang, Qi Fu; Jian, Ba Wei; Zhang, Fu Kai; Su, Lyu An (2014/5/31). A Simulation Study for Comparing the Average Loss of the Estimators of Yield Index. China University of Technology, Taiwan,2014 International Conference on Lean Service and Lean Consumption.

  10. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, Chien-Wei; Kao, Ching Kuei; Wen, Shu-Hui (2014/5/15). Testing a TFT-LCD Supplier’s Process Quality with Measurement Errors. Hsing-Kuo University, Tainan, Taiwan.,The 8th Conference on Marketing and Logistics.

  11. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wen, Shu-Hui (2014/5/15). Assessing a Supplier’s Process Quality when Data are Collected from Multiple Batches. Hsing-Kuo University, Tainan, Taiwan.,The 8th Conference on Marketing and Logistics.

  12. Liao, Mou-Yuan; Wu, Chien-Wei; Lin, Chien-Hua (2013/7/4-2013/7/7). A Practical Approach for Testing the Process Quality. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,2013 International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Engineering and Applications.

  13. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Chien-Wei Wu; Chien-Hui Yang; Chien-Hsin Yang (2011/7/4-2011/7/6). Improved Confidence Interval Bounds for Process Incapability with the Contamination of Measurement. BAI,BAI 2011 International Conference on Business and Information.

  14. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Chien-Hui Yang; Chien-Wei Wu; Chien-Hsin Yang (2011/6/26-2011/6/29). Improved Confidence Interval Bounds for Process Incapability. FAIM,19th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing.

  15. Liao, Mou-Yuan*; Wu, C.W.; Yang, C.H. (2010/7/7-2010/7/10). Bootstrap Methods for Process Performance Evaluation. INFORMS,2010 INFORMS Service Science Conference..

  16. Hsu, P.P., Chen, Y.H.; Liao, M.Y.; Hsieh, S.M.; Huang, C.H. (2010/5/26-2010/5/28). Valuation of Commodity Derivatives in Multivariate Variance Gamma Model - A preliminary literature review. World Academy of Science,International Conference on World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.

  17. Chen, Y.H.; Hsu, P.P.; Liao, M.Y.; Hsieh, S.M.; Yu, S.Y. (2010/5/26-2010/5/28). The Effect of Risky Assets to Operating Efficiencies for Listed Securities Firms in Taiwan Using the Data Envelopment Analysis. World Academy of Science,International Conference on World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.

  18. Wu, C.W.; Liao, M.Y.* (2010/5/5-2010/5/7). Measuring Process Yield by Fuzzy Lower Confidence Bounds. Intelligent Information Technology Application Research Association,2010 International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation.

  19. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2009/11/5). Determining Specification Limits for Contaminated Processes. 新竹元培科技大學,2009 健康與管理學術研討會.

  20. Yang, C.H.; Liao, M.Y.*; Chen, P.L.; Huang, M.T.; Huang C.W., Huang, J.S. and Chung, J.B. (2009/7/12-2009/7/15). Constructing Financial Distress Prediction Model using Group Method of Data Handling Technique. IJMLC,International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics.

  21. Yang, C.H; Liao, M. Y.; Chen, P. L.; Huang, M. T.; Huang, C. W., Huang, J. S.; Chung, J. B (2009/6/11). The Empirical Study of the Profitability of Biotechnology Industry When Facing Financial Crisis. 新竹元培科技大學, 2009 海峽兩岸創新與永續經營研討會.

  22. Liao, M. Y.*; Yang, C.H (2009/6/11). Systematized Multivariate Process Capability Indices. 新竹元培科技大學,2009 海峽兩岸創新與永續經營研討會.

  23. Yang, G. H.; Yeh, T. M.; Liao, M. Y. (2009/6/3-2009/6/5). Rule extraction by support vector machine: a case study of type II diabetes mellitus diagnosis. INCOM,13th IFAC symposium on information control problems in manufacturing.

  24. Liao, Mou-Yuan* (2009/5/22). Optimal Tolerance Design for Processes with Multiple Manufacturing Lines. 台中僑光科技大學,2009新世代工業工程與系統管理研討會.

  25. 張英仲; 吳建瑋; 廖茂原 (2008/12/20)。製程能力檢定的決策法則。 新竹元培科技大學主辦,2008健康與管理學術研討會。

  26. Liao, Mou-Yuan (2008/5/23). Quantifying Measurement Errors Using MPPAC. Hsiuping Institute of Technology,2008 Conference on Innovation of Industry Management.

  27. 廖茂原 (2008/5/9)。Quality Loss for Processes with Multiple Manufacturing Lines。 新竹中華大學主辦,2008華人經濟圈企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會。

  28. 廖茂原 (2005/10/22)。在量測誤差系統下的修正製程能力檢定臨界值。 新竹元培科技大學主辦,2005健康與管理學術研討會。

  29. 楊月嬌; 謝立韋; 羅秀媛; 廖茂原 (2004/4/17)。標竿學習病人結果:住院病人跌倒受傷意外事件之探討。 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會主辦,第二屆台灣醫療品質促進年會。

  30. 呂金河; 廖茂原 (2002/6/27-2002/6/28)。多群單邊規格製程能力指標一致性之檢定。 高雄中山大學主辦,第十一屆南區統計研討會。


  1. 廖茂原(20190801~20200731)。指數加權移動變異管制圖與轉折點分析於單邊規格短期製程良率的監控 (科技部,MOST 108-2410-H-126-022)。

  2. 廖茂原(20180801~20190731)。指數加權移動平均管制圖與轉折點分析於短期單邊規格製程良率的監控 (科技部,MOST 107-2410-H-126-009-)。

  3. 廖茂原(20170801~20180731)。貝氏推論於檢定多品質特徵產品之製程良率 (科技部,MOST 106-2410-H-126-004-)。

  4. 廖茂原(20150801~20160731)。觸控面板關鍵製程的良率評估 - 非常態分配的製程品質估計 (科技部,MOST 104-2410-H-126-004 -)。

  5. 廖茂原(20130801~20140731)。以關鍵品質觀點決定具量測誤差下的最佳晶圓供應商 (科技部,NSC 102-2410-H-126 -018 -)。

  6. 廖茂原(20120801~20130731)。以廣義信賴區間建構製程能力的評估準則 - 供應商選取策略 (科技部,NSC 101-2410-H-126 -035 -)。


  1. 廖茂原、孫惟仁 (2011/2/1-2020/1/31)。具有伸縮功能的剪刀。中華民國發明專利第M397894號 。

  2. 廖茂原、杜雪如 (2010/7/1-2019/6/30)。電動白板清潔器。中華民國發明專利第M384107號 。

  3. 廖茂原、廖育培 (2010/5/1-2019/4/30)。多層拋棄式帽內衛生更換襯墊。中華民國發明專利第M380016號 。


  1. 廖茂原 (2019/8/1)。108學年度蓋夏獎研究類。靜宜大學。

  2. 廖茂原 (2018/8)。107學年度蓋夏獎研究類。靜宜大學。

  3. 廖茂原 (2017/8/1)。 106學年度蓋夏獎研究類。靜宜大學。

  4. 廖茂原 (2016/8)。105學年度績優教師(研究類)。靜宜大學。

  5. 廖茂原 (2015/12/4)。指導學生 2015 工業工程與安全管理學術研討會 學生最佳發表獎。正修科技大學。

  6. 廖茂原 (2015/10)。103學年度績優導師。靜宜大學。

  7. 廖茂原 (2015/3)。專業服務學習課程補助 (103/2)。靜宜大學。

  8. 廖茂原 (2014/9)。專業服務學習課程補助 (103/1)。靜宜大學。

  9. 廖茂原 (2014/8)。指導學生榮獲大專生國科會計畫獎補助 (103學年)。科技部。

  10. 廖茂原 (2014/5/15)。指導學生第八屆行銷與流通管理實務學術研討會優良論文獎。興國管理學院。

  11. 廖茂原 (2014/3)。專業服務學習課程補助 (102/2)。靜宜大學。

  12. 廖茂原 (2013/10)。「公民素養融入課程」教學法獎補助。靜宜大學。

  13. 廖茂原 (2013/9)。專業服務學習課程補助 (102/1)。靜宜大學。

  14. 廖茂原 (2012/6/21)。指導學生第一屆管理大學堂跨校競賽會考優勝。中華大學。

  15. 廖茂原 (2012/5/18)。指導學生2012全國大專院校B2B企業e-marketing企業競賽服務業組第二名。元培科技大學。

  16. 廖茂原 (2011/8)。指導學生榮獲大專生國科會計畫獎補助 (100學年)。科技部。

  17. 廖茂原 (2010/10/14)。指導學生參與北區技職微積分競賽團體組優等獎。台北科技大學。

  18. 廖茂原 (2010/10/14)。指導學生參與北區技職微積分競賽個人組優等獎。台北科技大學。


  1. (2014/8/18-2016/8/17)。台灣精實企業系統學會。第三屆理事。

  2. (2013/6/21)。2013 全球營運暨服務科學理論與實務國際學術研討會。評審。

  3. (2012/10/20-2012/10/22)。2012第二屆創新發明應用研討會。Reviewer。

  4. (2012/8/18-2014/8/17)。台灣精實企業系統學會。第二屆理事。

  5. (2012/7/28-2012/7/31)。9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics。Special Session Program Committee Member。

  6. (2012/7/1-2013/6/30)。石磐公關顧問有限公司。專案顧問。

  7. (2012/6/6)。10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics。Reviewer。

  8. (2011/11/18)。地方產業行銷論壇。主持人。

  9. (2011/7/1-2012/6/30)。石磐公關顧問有限公司。專案顧問。

  10. (2011/6/26-2011/6/29)。21st International Conference of Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing。Local Scientific Committee。

  11. (2011/5/12)。2011 第八屆企業經營管理研討會。評論人。

  12. (2011/3/18)。2nd Workshop on Quality Management, Department of Statistics and Informatics Science, Providence University。Speaker。

  13. (2010/12/8)。國立彰化師範大學企業管理研究所。專題演講者。

  14. (2010/10/22)。2010產業資訊應用趨勢研討會。主持人。

  15. (2010/8/18-2012/8/17)。台灣精實企業系統學會。第一屆理事。

  16. (2010/4/29)。2010 INFORMS Service Science Conference。Reviewer。

  17. (2009/5/22)。2009新世代工業工程與系統管理研討會。主持人。

  18. (2009/4/20)。國立勤益科技大學工業工程與管理學研究所。專題演講者。

  19. (2008/6/22)。2008金融創新與科際整合學術研討會。評論。

  20. (2008/5)。2008第一屆全國大專校院「贏向未來」專題製作金贏獎。評審。

  21. (2007/4/27)。2007金融創新與科際整合學術研討會。評論。