Lo, Chu-Pin (2014/6/8-2014/6/13). Drug Models of Cardiac Channelpathies. Gordon Research Conference系列 (GRC),Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2014/2/14-2014/6/15). 心律不整研究與心臟建模. 東海大學應數系,數學建模在產學的應用.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2014/1/2-2014/1/3). Drug Models of Cardiac Channelpathies. 成大數學系,Workshop on Energetic Variational Methods with Applications to Molecular Biology.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2013/12/7-2013/12/8). Drug Models of Cardiac Channelopathies. 中華民國數學學會,2013數學年會.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2013/10/31-2013/11/2). Drug Models of Cardiac Channelopathies. 國家理論科學研究中心 (NCTS),Mathematical Physiology.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2013/10/3-2013/10/6). Computational Modeling for Studying Mechanisms of Arrhythmogenesis in Ion Channelopathies. Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society 2013 (APHRS 2013).
Lo, Chu-Pin (2013/6/1-2013/6/2). Heart Modeling and Its Applications in Investigating Arrhythmogenesis. 靜宜大學與TWSIAM,TWSIAM Conference (台灣工業與應用數學會議).
Lo, Chu-Pin (2013/5/8). Heart Modeling and Its Applications in Investigating Arrhythmogenesis. 中興大學化學系,中興大學化學系專題演講.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/12/13). Virtual Electrophysiological Study in a 3-Dimensional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Model of Porcine Myocardial Infarction (心肌梗塞). 中正大學應數系,中正大學應數系邀請演講.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/11/30). Heart Modeling and Its Applications. 科學工業園區管理局,嵌入式處理器人才培訓計畫研討會.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/9/9-2012/9/12). Targeting intracellular calcium cycling in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: a theoretical investigation. AGH University of Science and Technology,Computing in Cardiology 2012.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/6/22). Heart Arrhythmias and Nervous System. 交大建模計算所,Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/6/10-2012/6/15). Targeting intracellular calcium cycling in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: a theoretical investigation. Gorden Research Conference,Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/5/24). Heart Modeling and Its Applications in Investigating Arrhythmogenesis. 中興應數系,中興應數系專題演講.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/5/21). Heart Modeling and Its Applications in Investigating Arrhythmogenesis. 政大應數系,政大應數系專題演講.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/4/8-2012/4/9). A Cardiac Genetic Disease Associated with Ca2+ Handling and Its Drug treatments. 寧波萬里學院,海峽兩岸應用數學會議. 寧波 (大陸).
Lo, Chu-Pin (2012/3/15). A Cardiac Genetic Disease Associated with Ca2+ handling and Its Drug treatments. 中央大學數學系,中央大學專題演講. 中壢.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2011/12/14). Heart modeling and its applications in investigating arrhythmogenesis. 台大數學科學中心,台大數學科學中心專題演講. 台北市.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2011/11/30). Heart Modeling and Its Pharmacological Applications. 高雄大學應數系,高雄大學專題演講. 高雄楠梓.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2011/8/20-2011/8/21). Computer Simulation in Investigating Arrhythmogenesis. 台灣心律不整學會,台灣心律不整學術會第四屆年會. 林口長庚醫院.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2010/9/1-2010/9/4). Characteristic ECG of Andersen-Tawil Syndrome and Its Cellular Basis and Implication in Origin of U Wave---Application of Mechano-Electrical-Feedback. Oxford University,CARDIAC MECHANO-ELECTRIC COUPLING AND ARRHYTHMIAS. Oxford University.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2010/8/21-2010/8/22). Heart Modeling and Its Pharmacological Applications. 台灣心律不整學會,台灣心律不整學術會第三屆年會.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2010/1/12). Gating Modeling of Ion Channels. 交通大學科學建模與計算數學中心,Workshop on Dynamics for Coupled Systems. 交通大學.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2009/4/17-2009/4/20). A Cardiac Genetic Disease Associated with Ca2+ handling. 東海大學數學系,2009計算數學暨計算力學研討會 (2009 CMM). 東海大學, April 17-20, 2009.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2009/1). Multiscale Modeling of Electrical Activities of the Heart. Recent Progress on Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Viscosity Solutions (p.p.154-169).World Scientific Publishing.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2009/1). Multiscale Modeling of Electrical Activities of the Heart. Recent Progress on Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Viscosity Solutions (p.p.154-169). 新加坡:World Scientific.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2009/1/19-2009/1/20). Cardiac Simulation and Its Applications in the Diagnosis of Genetic Disease and Drug Therapy. NCTS, NCTU,2009 NCTS 跨領域數學模型與科學計算研討會. NCTU.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2009/1/15-2009/1/20). Cardiac Simulation and Its Applications in the Diagnosis of Genetic Disease and Drug Therapy. 中研院物理所, NCTS, International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems & Soft-Matter Biophysics Days. Academia Sinica.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2008/12/19-2008/12/21). Cardiac Simulation and Its Applications in the Diagnosis of Genetic Disease and Drug Therapy. NTHU, NCTS,2008 Mathematical Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society. NCTS.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2007/6/20-2007/6/23). Computing Methods in the Electrical Activity of Heart. 中山大學應用數學系,2007計算數學研討會. 中山大學應用數學系.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2007/5/9-2007/5/10). Computing the electrical activity in the heart. NCTS數學組,Mini-Workshop on Mathematical Biology. 清華大學.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2007/1/25-2007/1/27). Heart Modelling: From Single Cell to Whole Heart. NCTS 物理組,生物物理與軟物質研討會. 墾丁悠活度假村.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2007/1/3-2007/1/6). Mathematical Modeling and Its Computer Simulation in Heart. 靜宜大學應數系,International Conference on Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Viscosity Solutions. 台中縣.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2006/5/28-2006/5/30). Heart Modelling and Its Related Problems. NCTS,International Conference on Chaos and Dynamical Complexity. 新竹市.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2006/1/22-2006/1/24). A Realistic Mathematical Model of the Canine Pulmonary Veins Sleeves(肺靜脈袖套之真實數學模型). 理論中心(NCTS)物理組,Mini-Workshop on Soft Condensed Matter Physics. 台南市.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2006/1/6-2006/1/8). A Mathematical model of Canine Pulmonary Veins Sleeves. Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica,2006 Workshop on Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis. 台北市.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2005/12/14-2005/12/18). A Realistic Mathematical Model of the Canine Pulmonary Veins Sleeves. 東海大學,中華民國數學會暨美國數學會聯合國際會議. 台中市.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2005/7/18-2005/7/22). Simulation of the Action Potentials in Canine Pulmonary Veins Sleeves. European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and Society of Mathematical Biology,European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Dresden, Germany.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2003/12/19-2003/12/21). Classification of Steady Solutions of the Full Kinematic Model. 中央大學,2003數學學術研討會暨第37屆中華民國數學年會. 中央大學.
Lo, Chu-Pin (2002/12/20-2002/12/22). Some Models Related to Interface Motions. 靜宜大學,2002第十一屆微分方程研討會. 靜宜大學.
Lo, Chu-Pin (1999/10). Diffusion-induced Blowup in a Reaction-diffusion Equation. 台灣師大數學系,1999數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學年會. 台北.